Aren't the LEDs sposed to point down?
LED license plate install going horribly wrong!
Looks like I picked a good time to quit doing meth in Monroe County!
Last week I visited MC, trying to get my high school transcripts. My school no longer exists, and TN Dept of Ed has no transcripts for any of the students from TN Military Institute nor it's post-Vietnam TMI Academy. Burt Reynolds later bought it, then the Japs, now it's abandoned.
Hiwassee College has destroyed my HS transcripts after 25 years, along with destroying its "Christian" college -- only 19 students graduated last year.
MC Dept of Ed has commandeered the "old" tech school, looking like a run down POS. No transcripts, of course. Does MC even have a tech school any more? Nearly lost my head there once, when a fan blade exploded, embedding itself in the ceiling 100 feet away.
Thank God I escaped from MC! Scary thing is, these folks went to the same school I did, and I was put in charge of nuclear weapons on supersonic aircraft...
Pretty sure Burt Reynolds never "bought" TMI. He did donate some money when his nephew attended, however. I am also a TMI AND a Hiwassee alum!