"Dumb cops, dumb cops, whatcha gonna do, whatcha going to do with a low IQ?" (theme song from COPS TV)
-Jay Leno (comedic Italian-American, motorhead collector, biker gangster, and rider of a 266MPH street-legal jet-engined All-American sportbike), NBC TV, Tonight Show
Gansta Govt is terrified of its employees who figure out 99% of what govt does is illegal. In USA today, 100% of police are criminal gangbangers, according to all cops, all prosecutors, all judges. That's THE LAW.
And ever driver faces a life sentence in prison for every year of driving safely and normaly. That's THE LAW.

Cops cover cop cars in cop poo
Court OKs Barring High IQs for Cops
NEW LONDON, Conn. -- A man whose bid to become a police officer was rejected after he scored too high on an intelligence test has lost an appeal in his federal lawsuit against the city.
The 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New York upheld a lower court’s decision that the city did not discriminate against Robert Jordan because the same standards were applied to everyone who took the test.
“This kind of puts an official face on discrimination in America against people of a certain class,” Jordan said today from his Waterford home. “I maintain you have no more control over your basic intelligence than your eye color or your gender or anything else.”
He said he does not plan to take any further legal action.
Jordan, a 49-year-old college graduate, took the exam in 1996 and scored 33 points, the equivalent of an IQ of 125. But New London police interviewed only candidates who scored 20 to 27, on the theory that those who scored too high could get bored with police work and leave soon after undergoing costly training.
Most Cops Just Above Normal The average score nationally for police officers is 21 to 22, the equivalent of an IQ of 104, or just a little above average.
Jordan alleged his rejection from the police force was discrimination. He sued the city, saying his civil rights were violated because he was denied equal protection under the law.
But the U.S. District Court found that New London had “shown a rational basis for the policy.” In a ruling dated Aug. 23, the 2nd Circuit agreed. The court said the policy might be unwise but was a rational way to reduce job turnover.
Jordan has worked as a prison guard since he took the test.
And cops wonder why the "upper crust" of society has so little respect for them. At an average IQ of 104, basically half of the public is more intelligent that the cops they have to deal with.
and why is this a surprise? in all countries 99% of the cops failed to be good criminals so they ended up doing police work. idiots never qualify as great criminal masterminds...it doesn't have to do with 'being bored'...the intelligent ones will question stupid orders...and that is not acceptable even in corporations...
intelligence knows how to deal with potential boredom.
Perhaps they are more inclined to put 7 bullets in the chest of an elderly person protecting their property?
Shoot first...ask questions later.
That isn't a bright idea.
And they tell us that ignorance is no excuse.
So basicly cops are sociopaths with a lience to kill with the average inteligence of a bus driver.
Cop: Do you have any idea why I pulled you over today sir?
Me: Um, because you were a straight C- student in school?
Cop: OK asshole,step out of the car.
and they have to love donuts and have mustaches.
See also:
Unions Rush to Defend Arrested Drunk Cop Driving 143 Mph. 2d 1h
Now cops can enter homes to shut off natural gas valves!! 12/30/11
See Something Say Something results in Mall Cops reporting a guy to DHS for looking at the funny paper
'I’m a cop, I can do whatever I want' - Pulls Out Gun and Executes Man
Pussy Cop Shoots and Kills Family's Jack Russel Terrier While Trespassing
Cop abuses citizens right to travel.
CHICAGO Cops Warn Restaurants About Orders Called In From Cell Phones
The Old Lady Next Door Was Escorted By The Cops To A Homeless Shelter
Ideas & Trends; Help Wanted Invoking the Not-Too-High-IQ Test
NY Times
WANTED: a few not-so-bright cops.
That is the official hiring policy in this former whaling village, where Police Department officials refused to grant Robert J. Jordan a job interview because they considered him to be too smart, then waged a three-year court fight to protect their right to favor mediocre applicants.
And won.
The City of New London contends that applicants who score too high on a pre-employment test are likely to become bored in patrol jobs, and leave the force soon after the city has paid to train them. Similar cutoffs, it turns out, are frequently used by employers when they are looking for workers who must follow rigid procedures, including bank tellers, customer service representatives and security guards.
In 1996 Mr. Jordan scored 33 out of 50 on the exam, which is used by 40,000 employers across the country, including National Football League teams for potential draft choices. That was 6 points too high to qualify for an interview with the New London police.
When Mr. Jordan heard about other people being hired even though he hadn't been called, he went to the Police Department to protest that he felt sure he must have passed. He says he was curtly informed that he did not ''fit the profile,'' which litigation revealed was a score of 20 to 27.
''Bob Jordan is exactly the type of guy we would want to screen out,'' said William C. Gavitt, the deputy police chief, who interviews candidates. ''Police work is kind of mundane. We don't deal in gunfights every night. There's a personality that can take that.''
This month, a Federal judge in New Haven has ruled that the practice was constitutional since the city treats all smart would-be officers the same, and thus did not discriminate against Mr. Jordan. ''Plaintiff may have been disqualified unwisely but he was not denied equal protection,'' Judge Peter C. Dorsey of the United States District Court wrote.
Mr. Jordan, 48, is a life-insurance salesman who had dreamed of a second career protecting and serving, with an eye on the pension. He said he was astounded that he could be shut out on the basis of brain power, but not gender, sexual orientation or race.
''Being reasonably intelligent does not make you part of a protected class,'' he said, chuckling at his new command of legalese. For a certified wise man, Mr. Jordan is remarkably modest about his academic achievements, volunteering that it took him 26 years to get a bachelor's degree in literature from Charter Oak State College in New Britain, Conn. ''I'm eminently trainable,'' he said. ''I'm not up there with Mozart.''
At first the decision was greeted as a great punch line in New London, a city of 27,000. But as the news sunk in, many people said the rule was insulting to their police force, and nonsensical at a time when law-enforcement officers must deal with complicated social problems.
''Your average dunderhead is not the person you want to try to solve a fight between a man and his wife at 2 A.M.,'' said Nick Checker, 35, a local playwright. ''I'd rather have them hire the right man or woman for the job and keep replacing them than have the same moron for 20 years.'' Millie McLaughlin, 82, the lunch lady at Harbor Elementary School, worries that pupils will think that ''if they study too hard, they won't get a job.''
And Gilbert G. Gallegos, the national president of the Fraternal Order of Police, said that besides reinforcing keystone Kop stereotypes, the city's stance was self-defeating. ''The better the caliber of the police officer, the fewer problems you have in the community.''
Mr. Jordan had run afoul of turnover rates, which have been the subject of decades of study by management theorists. The publisher of the test, Wonderlic Inc. of Libertyville, Ill., has a section in its ''User's Manual'' warning clients about the cost of replacing workers who quit because they become dissatisfied with repetitive work. ''Simply hiring the highest scoring employee can be self-defeating,'' the manual says.
Wonderlic's president, Charles F. Wonderlic Jr., said variations of the 12-minute test used in New London have been given to 125 million people since his grandfather founded the company in 1937. Mr. Wonderlic said hundreds of employers have used his suggested maximum scores to exclude overly qualified applicants for positions where creativity could be a detriment. ''You can't decide not to read someone their Miranda rights because you felt it would be more efficient, or you thought they knew them already,'' Mr. Wonderlic said.
On the other hand, an expert witness for Mr. Jordan was paid $350 an hour for his conclusion that patrol work is ''cognitively complex and intellectually demanding.'' The expert, Frank J. Landy, a psychologist in Walnut Creek, Calif., pointed to the demands of such modern practices as community-oriented policing as an indication of ''the range and challenge of tasks performed by a typical patrol officer.''
MR. Jordan said he would appeal the ruling if his lawyers are willing to continue the case now that he has used up his savings. In the meantime, he is supplementing his insurance business by working for $26,000 a year -- $15,000 less than he would make as a New London patrolman -- as a state prison guard. ''In those dormitories, there's 110 inmates and one of you,'' he said. ''Your mouth better be connected to your brain.''
While those with badges and guns are called New York's finest, they will continue to be New London's fair to middling: New London officials say they plan to keep using the test to fend off smarty-pants.
Interview with ROBERT JORDAN
September 12, 2000
CNN Legal Analyst Greta Van Susteren interviewed Robert Jordan on September 12, 2000. The following is an edited transcript of the interview.
GRETA VAN SUSTEREN: Hello and welcome to Greta@Law. Robert Jordan is a smart man -- A little too smart for the New London, Connecticut, police department. His application to join the city's finest was rejected because he scored too high on the entrance exam. He sued the city for discrimination, but the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit sided with the New London police department, saying its hiring policy may not be smart, but it is a rational way to reduce job turnover. Bob Jordan, thank you for joining me today.
ROBERT JORDAN: Thank you for having me, Greta.
GVS: Bob, are you too smart to be a cop?
RJ: Absolutely not. I would worry about being smart enough. I don't think you can be too smart in an occupation like a policeman.
GVS: Take me back, Bob. What happened to you? You took an exam and what was the score?
RJ: I scored a 33 out of a possible 50. It's just a silly, standardized, off-the-shelf intelligence test, referred to as the Wonderlic Test. I believe you have 12 minutes to get as many answers correct -- unless you want to get the job as a police officer in New London -- as possible and I guess an equivalent score is 125 or merely two standard deviations above the mean for the relevant IQ score.
GVS: Now, Bob, the Wonderlic Test -- is that actually administered by the New London police, or is that one you took separately?
RJ: It was a regional exam, so that if you were interested in working for a number of departments, they all drew from this consortium called the Law Enforcement Council. Rather than everybody give their own test, you take one regional test and departments that are interested can draw from those test takers.
GVS: Now according to what I've read, Bob, the New London police only interview those who score between 20 and 27 and you got a 33, and that the average score nationally is a 21 to 22 with an IQ equivalent of 104 and your IQ is 125. What did you say to the New London police when they said, in essence, Bob, you're too smart?
RJ: Well, actually, the person I talked to was the personnel manager and when I inquired as to why I hadn't had an opportunity to at least return some biographical information to them because I understood that they were interviewing people, that's when he told me that, quote, "Listen, Mr. Jordan, we don't like to hire people with a too high an IQ to be a cop in this town." Of course, I was aghast at the philosophy he was espousing and when I asked him to elaborate on why he had made this determination, he suggested that the role of a police officer in society was a very boring, routine, mundane, unchallenging type of position, and someone with any gray matter between their ears would rapidly become disenchanted and leave that type of work for something more exciting like being a personnel manager for the city of New London. (Editor's Note: The New London, Connecticut Police Department declined to comment on the case.)
GVS: So you went to the federal district court, you lost there, you went to the U.S. Court of Appeals, you lost there, and they said that it was, they found that New London had shown a rational basis for the policy and that there was a rational way to reduce job turnover. You're not going to the U.S. Supreme Court, Bob?
RJ: Unless my attorney was willing to do it pro bono, I'm afraid that this is it for me. I'm financially exhausted over all of this, but I might add that there is absolutely no data whatsoever, Greta, to support this so-called rational policy that the Wonderlic Company espouses. In other words, there are absolutely no empirical studies that have ever been, no scientific evidence, no exit interviews that have ever been conducted to prove that intelligent people leave law enforcement disproportionately. I'm sure as a society at large, we'd be happy to hear that fact.
GVS: You also wrote a letter on April 9, 1997 to the president of the United States, Sen. Christopher Dodd, Sen. Joseph Lieberman, and the governor of Connecticut, John Rowland. Have any of those gentlemen responded to you?
RJ: No, they have not. Apparently, no one is interested in having a constituent named Bob, because I have actually written my own personal congressman twice, and I just cannot get a response from anybody. Nobody seems to care about my plight.
GVS: Why do you want to be a police officer?
RJ: I had done the work both on part time, in a municipality, and on a seasonal basis for the state of Connecticut through the Department of Environmental Protection, Law Enforcement in the Parks, that sort of activity. I enjoyed patrol work. I thought I had a real knack of dealing with people, which isn't surprising because I have been selling life insurance since I was 22-years-old. I developed a lot of people skills over the years, and I thought I might like to do it on a full-time basis. It doesn't seem that unreasonable at age 45 to want to have a career change since the spokesman for the most recent state trooper graduating class this summer was a 53-year-old former attorney from Fairfield County. He was chosen by his classmates to be the speaker because he did such an excellent job, I guess, as a candidate for the state trooper in Connecticut. That class by the way, included more ex-nurses and teachers and other highly educated professionals than any other class. I think that you want to encourage people to go into service helping the public, who are educated and flexible enough to adapt to whatever the demands, and certainly in police work you have changes in society, demographics, policing policies, community policing.
GVS: You know, as I listen to you, Bob, I've got to tell you, when I first read of your plight, I thought there must be something wrong -- certainly someone can't be too smart for a job, certainly someone would not be disqualified for scoring too high on an entrance exam. Have you thought about being clever, and go back and take the exam and throw a couple questions?
RJ: You know, if I had little or no pride in myself, if I could shake off the values that were inculcated into me in grammar school where you take a test to select as many correct answers as possible, not the other way around. If I wanted to be a bureaucrat, I guess I could do that, but I'm not going to that. I fortunately was hired by the Connecticut Department of Correction, and I feel a good deal of loyalty toward them now, because at least they gave me an opportunity to serve in a way I think that society gets a good officer from me. And I get to have a living wage and good benefit package for my family.
GVS: Thank you, Robert Jordan, for joining me. Thanks to our viewers for logging on to Greta@Law. For more legal news and commentary, go to CNN.com/Law. And also visit the Burden of Proof home page at CNN.com/Burden.
The courts have barred all Amerikans from having high I.Q.s, and every day require All Amerikans to consume poisons that lower I.Q. by 30 points.

The 100-million Amerikans who refused to comply with this law were executed and turned into Solent Green cosmetic products for resale.
Any journalist who reports actual facts is fired immediately. Ask Glenn Beck, fired 1 week after reporting Congressman Ron Paul's plan to nationalize the foreign private "Federal" Reserve Bank that counterfeits all so-called "US dollar bills" (Federal Reserve Debt Notes) and steals 100% of national income tax revenue. DOH!!!

Fox News made in Commie China: google Deng Wen Di Murdoch
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