ARRG! Anchor baby gets immunity from arrest but failed to keep his illegal alien daddy from deportation
Another 4-hour "rescue"? Do cops now get medical training and carry First Responder kits? Does the Pope bugger the Hitler Youth?
Gap News
4 THP , 3 BCSO, 1 Park Ranger, 1 Rural Metro, 1 Fire Truck.
THP was pissed wouldn't be surprised if there isn't some extreme fines or jail tim
I think this kind of riding is one of the things that pisses off the harley and cruiser guys so much that they play blocking and race to the next corner games while they ride the corners.
I have been wondering why I get so much hostility from these types, AKA Pirates. It did not seem like rational behavior from these guys when I am passing them 1 at a time carefully. I expect that one rider like this self styled "wheelie king" will do more to enrage other riders and cage drivers than anything I can think of. This is the worst kind of behavior for a motorcyclist to engage in, and it always results in a black eye for all of us.
That being said, I hope the guy will pull through and learn a valuable lesson. This is probably a long shot, though.
God forbid any rider or driver actually have skill at riding or driving. Even "safe" riders and drivers crash every day.
Next on the Police State agenda -- arrest all aircraft pilots who exceed the Wright Bros' 30 mph speed limit... Never mind that any rider who flies his own 30 mph airplane in Blount County is required by law to share the air with 600 mph buses and Mach 3 killercops with ass on fire. Whatever you do, DON'T read Operation Northwoods.
"One hundred forty years ago, the Royal Society in England warned against the railroads, claiming that at speeds over 30 miles per hour, the air supply to the passenger compartment would be cut off and people would die from asphyxiation. And the college of physicians in Munich, for its part, warned that at 30 mph, travelers would suffer headaches, vertigo and possible lose their sight because of a blurring effect. Over 30 mph great catastrophies were predicted, because everyone knew that even a twig would shatter the wheels."
-Jules Burgman, ABC News, NASA Langley Research Center, The Impact of Science on Society, NASA SP-482, NASA Scientific and Technical Information Branch, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1985
"This weekend will be 'saturation' weekend for THP. For some reason, they seem to think that sending 10 cars up here to cover 11 miles of road is something that the general public sees as very cool, and not a waste of taxpayers money. I hardly agree. In fact, since the Gov of TN has decided to make war with tourists in this area, I strongly suggest to all of you that you send him an email if you feel the same way. We are under a police state on the TN side of the mountain."
-Ben, DealsGap.com, Saturday, 4 August 2007

Blount County renamed Pellissippi Parkway to honor a convicted hit-and-killer of a sportbiker...and THP helped
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