Saturday, June 18, 2011

The Dragonater Radio & TV Show

Pirate News Radio Show May 2011

All the Secrets yo momma don't want you to hear. As seen on TeeVee!

Pirate News TV
Friday nights at 1am (Sat)
Knox County TN
Charter Channel 6
Knology Channel 6
Comcast Channel 12
ATT U-verse Channel 99

WBCR 1470 am
2nd Tuesdays at 5pm
Blount County TN

Chasing the Dragon Race



MotoGP mogul steals $250-million from US taxslaves at gunpoint

Only in Hollywood: Playboy Davis was arrested for cocaine possession in April - on the same night he earned a $250,000 govt fee for speaking to Petra Ecclestone about using Paris Hilton's father Rick as a real estate broker

Austin MotoGP track or MotoCross track?

Why build a $250-million govt racetrack for F1 and MotoGP -- don't USA have any racetracks already in existence? Why trust billionaire jew Bernie Ecclestone Sir Knight of the British Empire (not), whose car dealer partner fall guy went to prison, who got Tony George and all US drivers and teams fired from the Indy Scab 500, who crawls out bathroom windows to escape irate Le Mans World Sportscar team owners, investigated by Police Officer Nigel Mansell for running a worldwide drug cartel, and who loves F1 drivers getting their heads chopped off "for the natural culling effect"? How many spectators does the Daytona 200 Sportbike race get at NASCRAP HQ?

Jew Bernie and wife

Oil heir Brandon Davis brokered Petra Ecclestone $150m mansion deal 'on same night he was arrested for drug possession'

Cokehead Brandon Davis parties on taxslave expense

20-yr-old Jewish hooker, er, heiress Petra Ecclestone

The House That F1 Bought: The jewish Spelling home, er, the jewish Petra Ecclestone home in the Holmby Hills neighbourhood is the most overpriced in USA

Formula One track would create $30-Million/year in higher taxes, greedy officials say - None of this money actually goes to building a racetrack...ask Tony George about F1 at Indy. Oh you can't, he's FIRED.

Texas Legislature Cuts $25 Million Subsidy for Formula 1 – But What Does it Mean for MotoGP? - Seemingly not wanting to look like legislatures who dump money on car and motorcycle racing, Texas state senators have nixed plans to use $25 million in the Texan Major Events Trust Fund to subsidize the fees that must be paid to Bernie Eccelstone and Formula 1. The good news is that Formula 1 already has a certified letter from the State of Texas Comptroller, stating that the $25 million amount would be paid, meaning that one way or another it seems likely the state will have to cough up the Benjamins for Bernie. While this discussion does not involve any money that’s lining MotoGP’s pocket, the issue is worth keeping an eye on because of the impact that losing Formula 1 could have on the Circuit of the Americas venue. While unlikely, if for some reason the State of Texas fails to support the Austin track, Formula 1 could walk from the deal — a move that would cause financial havoc on the venue. Like the many tracks we’ve seen this year in financial difficulty, this could mean a no-show for MotoGP.

Austin’s F1 facility is now to be known as the Circuit of the Americas - Because USA will soon cease to exist. On a rather more controversial subject, The Texas legislature may be about to cut the $25 million incentive package that had been promised to help fund the Austin track, and this has got some people very worked up on both sides. But delving deeper it seems that the cuts are far from a foregone conclusion. Apparently, the Texas Senate Finance Committees vote to cut the funding in its version of the State budget is likely to be be partially or wholly reversed by the House, which is a believer in the financial benefits that F1 will bring to Texas, and have already included it in their budget. McLaren and FOTA chairman, Martin Whitmarsh has been voicing his opinion about the need for F1 to do more marketing, especially in the USA. As Martin says: “The USA does not need Formula One, we need the USA, and I think if we just plonk ourselves down there and believe that America is going to reignite its enthusiasm for Formula One, I think we are wrong.”

Alex Jones rant on F1 Web - Don't pay your British F1 Tax go directly to jail, get all your property seized, or be executed by a SWAT team.

Friday, June 17, 2011

The Cure for Road Rage

Road Ragers Got Milk?

"Don't wont to throw any names in, but a very nice couple who ride the Gap every week passed a crusier type motorcycle. Clean pass no close call or anything. When the cruiser made it to the resort he found the older couple and started cussing them and his friends also gathered around with him. They were told to drop and move on and not long after came back down an wanted to fight the older gentleman, at that point he was asked to leave. During all of his cussing and acting out he had a little girl with him watching all of it. If he acted like that with all the witnesses around and store manager just think what could have happened if they had stopped at a pull off to rest. Luckily there was enough people around and the manager to get him on his way, he was a pretty big mofo."
-ETR, This happened up here this past Sunday

"Consider this: road rage is an expression of magnesium deficiency, PMS is tied to iodine, aggression to copper/zinc imbalance, and chromium to weight management."
-Life Enthusiast, Road Rage and Magnesium

"The first step in treating the symptoms of magnesium depletion, especially among children, is to eliminate milk from the diet, according to Dr. Barnett. He reports that nine out of ten childhood epileptics drink milk. Calciferol (synthetic vitamin D), like fluorine, tends to bind the magnesium, he says. Milk is loaded with this substance and therefore enhances the problem. The synthetic form of the vitamin is 10 times more active than the natural form--which means it is 10 times more potent in binding magnesium."
-Magnesium, The Nutrient That Could Change Your Life

Magnesium: America's Most Wanted Nutrient?

Magnesium is one of the four most important minerals your body requires for cellular health. It soothes the sympathetic nervous system (providing deeper rest) and is essential for the production of amino acids, which are critical for virtually EVERY chemical reaction in your body.

There is a documented epidemic of magnesium deficiency in America. As expected, the medical industry is attempting to address it with synthetic drugs, which have been proven to be much less effective than natural supplements. Pumpkin seeds, spinach and swiss chard are all high in magnesium. But increasing your dietary intake of magnesium-rich foods probably won’t be enough to correct a deficiency. Unfortunately, most of the food that is grown on our depleted soils (even those that are 100% organic) no longer contains enough magnesium to sustain your health or better your performance.

How do you know that there is an epidemic of magnesium deficiency taking place? Here is a list of just some of the symptoms: An increased incidence of road rage (people are becoming more emotionally unstable and quick to anger), restless leg syndrome (and other twitchy, nervous behaviors), high blood pressure, arthritis, diabetes, tooth cavities, sleep disorders, cramping, migraines, panic attacks, unexplained fatigue, low motivation and depression. Have you witnessed any of these symptoms in action around you lately?

Athletes are not immune to developing a magnesium deficiency. In fact, they are far more at risk. Why? Because magnesium (and other vital nutrients) are lost in sweat. And the more you sweat, the more magnesium you lose. Numerous studies have linked magnesium deficiency to the increased risk of sudden death among many types of athletes from distance runners to basketball players.

When you restore vital magnesium to the body, you enable cellular regeneration to exceed degeneration. So it is possible to correct a deficiency. It will likely take several months of supplementation before you begin to make any measurable progress, however. And choosing the right product is an absolute must.

Because it is absorbed directly into the body at the cellular level, a magnesium oil concentrate is the “gold standard” when it comes to restoration. It can be easily sprayed or rubbed on the body.

Another excellent restorative option is angstrom magnesium water. This liquid solution provides for the rapid delivery of magnesium to the body’s cells. Because their potency is significantly reduced by the digestive process, oral supplements in the form of tablets and capsules are far less effective.

While magnesium oils and angstrom liquids can be difficult to find, they are both available for purchase.

Are your body's magnesium and other key mineral stores less than optimal? Thanks to recent advancements in laboratory testing technology, you can assess yourself easily and inexpensively in the comfort of your own home. For more information, visit

Dead Athletes Don't Lie

"After performing 17,500 autopsies on 434 species of animals plus 3,000 autopsies on human beings, I determined that every animal or human that dies of 'natual causes' dies from a nutritional deficiency disease. The Centers for Disease Control says that 100,000 young athletes between the ages of 13 and 30 drop dead every year, either during exercise, during a sporting event or immediately after. Or twice that."
-Dr Joel Wallach ND DVM, Nobel Prize nominee, author of Dead Doctors Don't Lie with 46-million copies sold, as heard on WBCR Truth Radio 1470am at Deals Gap TN

"Data indicate that subsets of the population may be unusually susceptible to the toxic effects of fluoride and its compounds. These populations include the elderly, people with magnesium deficiency, and people with cardiovascular and kidney problems. Several studies have reported that increasing calcium in the diet significantly reduces the absorption of magnesium. People over the age of 50 have been shown to have decreased renal fluoride clearance. This decreased clearance of fluoride may indicate that elderly people are more susceptible to fluoride toxicity. Inadequate dietary levels of magnesium may affect the toxic effects of fluoride. In this study, fluoride administered to magnesium-deficient dogs prevented soft-tissue calcification but not muscle weakness and convulsions. In rats, fluoride aggravated the hypomagnesemia condition, which produced convulsive seizures. The symptoms of magnesium deficiency are similar to those produced by fluoride toxicity. Some people with cardiovascular problems may be at increased risk of fluoride toxicity. Fluoride inhibits glycolysis by inhibiting enolase. However, it also inhibits energy metabolism through the tricarboxylic acid cycle by blocking the entry of pyruvate and fatty acids and by inhibiting succinic dehydrogenase. Because fluoride is excreted through the kidney, people with renal insufficiency would have impaired renal clearance of fluoride. People with diabetes mellitus and heart insufficiency have also been found to have impaired renal clearance of fluoride."
-U.S. Dept. of Health, Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, Division of Toxicology, Toxicological Profile for Fluorides, Hydrogen Fluoride, and Fluorine(F), December 16, 1991

"To investigate the effect of fluoride on the mobilization of skeletal magnesium and on kidney calcification during magnesium depletion, male Holtzman rats were fed a magnesium-sufficient diet (400 ppm of magnesium) and drinking water containing either 0, 50 or 100 ppm of fluoride for a 20-day period prior to the initiation of magnesium deficiency. The high fluoride regimen resulted in a 100-fold increase in the fluoride content of the skeleton. On day 20 magnesium depletion was initiated by feeding the animals a diet containing 12 ppm of magnesium. Over a 4-week period of magnesium deprivation, a 26% decrease of the total magnesium in the humeri was observed. Fluoride exerted a significant effect in retarding the mobilization of skeletal magnesium. Four weeks of magnesium deficiency was associated with a decreased rate of skeletal mineral accretion and with an increase in the kidney calcium content. The decreased rate of mineral accretion was accentuated by the administration of fluoride during the deficiency state. While fluoride exerted an initial protective effect on calcinosis of the kidneys, the overall effect of the administration of fluoride during magnesium deficiency was to promote calcification of the kidneys rather than to prevent it."
-Journal of Nutrition, 1976 Jun;106(6):771-7, Effect of fluoride on the mobilization of skeletal magnesium and soft-tissue calcinosis during acute magnesium deficiency in the rat

"Wayne was only four years old, but he had been suffering epileptic seizures for 3 1/2 years. Though the seizures were particularly severe during stress periods, he was never completely free of them. Anticonvulsant drugs were used, but none was successful. The boy's parents were resigned to the probability that he would have a life plagued with severe epilepsy. At that time Dr. Lewis B. Barnett, head of the Hereford Clinic and Deaf Smith Research Foundation in Hereford, Texas, began a series of experiments. The boy became a subject. He was given, in addition to a normal diet, 450 mg. of magnesium gluconate and a thyroid extract. Within two weeks all signs of epilepsy vanished, and within the past three years there have been no signs of the illness.In 28 more cases, the same story has been repeated. Children of all ages, stricken with epilepsy failed to respond or responded only slightly to modern drugs and therapy. Placed on high oral doses of magnesium, they experienced stunning improvement. In his experiments, Barnett used magnesium gluconate, a form of magnesium which is easily absorbed by the system. 'Taken orally in this form, magnesium is harmless in almost any quantity," he reports. "The worst that can occur is that some individuals will become drowsy. When magnesium deficiencies occur--and there are a number of reasons why this can happen--there is no regulation. Among the dangerous results of this state listed in medical literature are heart damage, osteoporosis, periodontal disease, and epilepsy. Another is hyperirritability. "A great many people have a magnesium deficiency manifesting itself in hyperirritability," Barnett said. These people may often have a metabolic rate 125 percent higher than normal, he says. Their bodies and minds are greatly overactive, and they are constantly irritated. This is undoubtedly a partial explanation for the high rate of juvenile delinquency, divorce, and emotional instability rampant in modem society. The first step in treating the symptoms of magnesium depletion, especially among children, is to eliminate milk from the diet, according to Dr. Barnett. He reports that nine out of ten childhood epileptics drink milk. Calciferol (synthetic vitamin D), like fluorine, tends to bind the magnesium, he says. Milk is loaded with this substance and therefore enhances the problem. The synthetic form of the vitamin is 10 times more active than the natural form--which means it is 10 times more potent in binding magnesium. For this reason the natural vitamin, as found in fish liver oils, will not cause magnesium depletion, but milk can and does."
-Magnesium, The Nutrient That Could Change Your Life

40% of children in America have tooth damage from fluoride overdose - American Dental Association orders immediate elimination of fluoride from toothpaste and drinking water of children. Fluoride replaces calcium in bones causing skeletal fluorosis, "arthritis" and tendon detachment.

Monday, June 13, 2011

The Dragon Tamer

Man's Best Friend...a 17-ft 980-lb croc

Chito made friends with the croc after finding him with a gunshot wound on the banks of the Central American state's Parismina river 20 years ago. He had been shot in the left eye by a cattle farmer and was close to death. But Chito enlisted the help of several pals to load the massive reptile into his boat.

He says: "When I found Pocho in the river he was dying, so I brought him into my house.

"He was very skinny, weighing only around 150 lb. I gave him chicken and fish and medicine for six months to help him recover.

"I stayed by Pocho's side while he was ill, sleeping next to him at night. I just wanted him to feel that somebody loved him, that not all humans are bad.

"It meant a lot of sacrifice. I had to be there every day. I love all animals - especially ones that have suffered."

At first it was slow, slow. I played with him a bit, slowly doing more.

"Then I found out that when I called his name he would come over to me."

At one point during his recovery, Chito left the croc in a lake near his house. But as he turned to walk away, to his amazement Pocho got out of the water and began to follow him home.

TN legislature says Fuck You to the US Constitution

Tennessee: Post an offensive image online? Go to jail

After criminalizing the shared use of Netflix accounts, Tennessee law makers continued to demonstrate their misunderstanding of the internet by passing a law that makes it illegal to post offensive images online.

The law makes it a crime to “transmit or display an image” that could “frighten, intimidate or cause emotional distress” to anyone who views it — which is about as ridiculous as making it illegal to open your eyes for fear of seeing something you don’t like.

Violators found guilty could get up to a year in jail and $2,500 in fines. What’s worse, the law can be applied to anyone who finds the image offensive, not just the person the image was directed to.

The law itself is actually a revision of pre-existing legislation that criminalizes the act of making phone calls, sending emails or other general communication that the sender reasonably knew would cause “emotional distress” to the recipient.

Aside from the over reaching nature of the legislation, it’s likely to come under heavy fire from activists who will be quick to point out the questionable violations the law has to first amendment rights.

Tennessee Lawmakers Censoring The Internet

June 10, 2011 by Marcy Bonebright

Tennessee recently made it illegal to "transmit or display an image" online if it is likely to "frighten, intimidate or cause emotional distress" to anyone who views it.
Lawmakers in Tennessee may have run afoul of the Constitution in passing a recent law. The law makes it illegal to “transmit or display an image” online if it is likely to “frighten, intimidate or cause emotional distress” to someone — anyone — who views it.

“Tennessee law already made it a crime to make phone calls, send emails, or otherwise communicate directly with someone in a manner the sender ‘reasonably should know’ would ‘cause emotional distress’ to the recipient,” Ars Technica reported.

“The new legislation adds images to the list of communications that can trigger criminal liability. But for image postings, the ‘emotionally distressed’ individual need not be the intended recipient. Anyone who sees the image is a potential victim.

If a court decides you ‘should have known’ that an image you posted would be upsetting to someone who sees it, you could face months in prison and thousands of dollars in fines,” the article read.

Constitutional scholar Eugene Volokh recently discussed the law in a blog post, saying it was “pretty clearly unconstitutional.”

“If you’re posting a picture of someone in an embarrassing situation — not at all limited to, say, sexually themed pictures or illegally taken pictures — you’re likely a criminal unless the prosecutor, judge, or jury concludes that you had a ‘legitimate purpose,’” Volokh wrote.

“Nothing in the law requires that the picture be of the ‘victim,’ only that it be distressing to the ‘victim’… And of course the same would apply if a newspaper or TV station posts embarrassing pictures or blasphemous images on its site.”

The full text of HOUSE BILL 3OO is available here.

1,000 drivers get life in prison for DUI, no crash required

"Strictly speaking, a driver can register a BAC of 0.00% and still be convicted of a DUI. The level of BAC does not clear a driver when it is below the 'presumed level of intoxication.'"
Tennessee Driver Handbook and Driver License Study Guide

"Nancy Benoit also had a blood alcohol reading of .184, although Sperry said the blood alcohol and drug levels could be affected by the decomposition of her body. 'These (blood alcohol) results are not reliable for interpretation because the amount of alcohol in her system could have all come from the decomposition.'"
—Cindy Morley, Fayette Daily News, GBI: Chris Benoit's son was full of Xanax, July 18, 2007

With a "legal limit" of 0.00% BAC, and a 1,000 ways to get a false BAC score, convicting "drunk drivers" is like shooting ducks in a barrel.

"Any prosecutor can convict a guilty man; it takes a great prosecutor to convict an innocent man."
-Dallas DA Henry Wade

"As district attorney of Dallas for an unprecedented 36 years, Henry Wade was the embodiment of Texas justice. Nineteen convictions — three for murder and the rest involving rape or burglary — won by Wade and two successors who trained under him have been overturned after DNA evidence exonerated the defendants. About 250 more cases are under review. No other county in America — and almost no state, for that matter — has freed more innocent people from prison in recent years than Dallas County, where Wade was DA from 1951 through 1986. John Stickels, a University of Texas at Arlington criminology professor and a director of the Innocence Project of Texas, blames a culture of 'win at all costs.' 'When someone was arrested, it was assumed they were guilty,' he said. 'I think prosecutors and investigators basically ignored all evidence to the contrary and decided they were going to convict these guys.' In his last 20 years as district attorney, his office won 165,000 convictions, the Dallas Morning News reported when he retired. In the 1960s, Wade secured a murder conviction against Ruby, the Dallas nightclub owner who shot Lee Harvey Oswald after Oswald's arrest in the assassination of President Kennedy. Ruby's conviction was overturned on appeal, and he died before Wade could retry him."
-MSNBC, After Dallas DA’s death 19 convictions undone, 7/29/2008

"I didn't shoot nobody no Sir! I'm just a patsy!"
-Lee Harvey Oswald, shot and killed by a jewish mobster inside the same Dallas Police Dept that President JFK Sr was shot and killed in front of

"Freedom is indivisible, and when one man is enslaved, all are not free. If a free society cannot help the many who are poor, it cannot save the few who are rich. The great enemy of the truth is very often not the lie -- deliberate, contrived and dishonest, but the myth, persistent, persuasive, and unrealistic. Belief in myths allows the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought. Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable. The very word "secrecy" is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings. I will smash the CIA into a thousand pieces!"
-John F Kennedy Sr, Back And To The Left...

Life in Prison for a DUI?

by Lawrence Taylor, attorney at law
June 11th, 2011

In today’s DUI double standard department…

Waco Man Gets Life Sentence for Driving Drunk

Waco, TX. June 10 — A man has been sentenced to life in prison after being convicted of drunken driving — his ninth such charge since 1984.

Defense attorney Melanie Walker had told jurors no one was seriously injured in last year’s rollover accident and her client suffers from alcoholism.

However, prosecutor Lauren McLeod said alcoholism is no excuse for criminal behavior.

The Waco Tribune-Herald reports that the 52-year-old Sneed and his wife both testified that she was driving. Karroll Sneed told jurors she fled over fears of being jailed on misdemeanor warrants. Sneed said he took the blame out of concern for his wife, who had recently suffered a stroke.

Life in prison for a DUI? Rape gets 15 years, 2nd degree murder 25. Just an aberration, right? Wrong. See, for example, Third DUI = Life in Prison (Mississippi, alcoholic with 2 priors), Another Life Sentence for Drunk Driving (Texas, alcoholic with 9 priors), 99 Years for Drunk Driving (Texas, alcoholic with 7 priors).

One of the premier DUI attorneys in the country, Troy McKinney of Houston, made an Open Records Act demand on the Texas Department of Criminal Justice, asking: How many Texans are serving sentences of 60 years to life in prison for drunk driving? Not for drunk driving resulting in injury or death — just for drunk driving (or driving over .08%). The response from the Department:

21 to 25 years 125
26 to 30 years 39
31 to 40 years 55
41 to 59 years 16

And finally:

60 to 98 years 23
99 years to Life 13

Repeat: These are sentences just for drunk driving or driving over .08% — not for DWI causing death or serious injury. To trigger the longer sentences, the DWI was at least the offender’s fourth offense.

It would be a fairly safe assumption that these prisoners are alcoholics. In other words, life in prison for having a genetically-predisposed disease and being unable to control it…..without help.

So, what if they got help? What does it cost to keep a citizen in prison for the rest of his life? For even one year? And what does it cost to offer that person rehabilitative therapy? Even, perhaps, to involuntarily commit him to a facility for treatment of the disease?

Justice and humanity aside, do the math….

For a more effective, inexpensive and humane approach to dealing with drunk drivers who are suffering from alcoholism, see Time for a Change.

"Don't get a DUI. When a cop pulls you over..... shoot him!" (crowd cheered wildly)
-Christopher Scum, The Dirty Works, Rebel Scum movie premier, Knoxville Tennessee

"Rocky Top you'll always be
Home sweet home to me
Good ole Rocky Top, Rocky Top, Tennessee
Rocky Top, Tennessee.
Once two strangers climbed old Rocky Top
Looking for a moonshine still
Strangers ain't come down from Rocky Top
Reckon they never will."
-University of Tennessee official fight song

"Back during Prohibition, when ATF agents went to the mountains to bust stills, they didn't come back. People wouldn't tolerate that oppression. That was before fluoride was added to the water..."
-Police Officer Jack McLamb, Jack McLamb Radio Show, 20 Feb 2010 (his webmaster was sent to prison for infiltrating Bohemian Grove and shooting video as an employee)

"I saw two officers as before, who rode up to me, with their pistols in their hands, said God damn you stop, if go an Inch further, you are a dead Man, and swore if we did not turn in to that pasture, they would blow our brains out. Major Mitchel of the 5th Regt clapd his Pistol to my head, and said he was going to ask me some questions, if I did not tell the truth, he would blow my brains out. I told him I esteemed myself a man of truth, that he had stopped me on the highway, & made me a prisoner, I knew not by what right; I would tell him the truth; I was not afraid."
—Paul Revere, owner of RevereWare¨, sworn affidavit: "Memorandum on Events of April 18, 1775" (declassified Top Secret), while under arrest (and subsequent escape) from Redcoat martial-law traffic police at Minute Man National Historic Park, Paul Revere Capture Site, on the eve of the American Revolutionary War and kicking off the Battle of Lexington and Concord, against the army, navy and courts of King George III, heriditary dictator of England who attempted "gun control" by an Assault Weapons Ban of defensive 50-caliber muskets and cannon, Paul Revere's Ride, by David Hackett Fischer

"Prohibition will work great injury to the cause of temperance. It is a species of intemperance within itself, for it goes beyond the bounds of reason in that it attempts to control a man's appetite by legislation, and makes a crime out of things that are not crimes. A Prohibition law strikes a blow at the very principles upon which our government was founded. America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
-President Abraham Lincoln (Rothschild), unlicensed attorney at law

"Let me start with law enforcement contacts with respect to traffic stops, for suspicion of driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs. The Fifth amendment of the Bill of Rights states that we are not to be forced to incrimnate ourselves. The actual wording is, you cannot be compelled to be a witness against yourself. If you are stopped for suspicion of DUI, these are your rights regardless of the laws of your state. First of all, you are to deny having consumed any alcoholic beverages whatsoever. You are never to admit to having one or two drinks. If you admit to consuming even one drop of alcohol, you open the door to 'probable cause', allowing the police officer to search your car for open containers. Next, you are never to submit to a Field Sobriety Test. You are to refuse to do so. They cannot make you walk the line, they cannot make you balance or anything else. Now when you are arrested, you are to refuse to allow a blood-alcohol test, regardless of what state law 'requires', such as revocation of driving priveleges for a period of time. That's an attempt to compel you to be a witness against yourself. Supreme Court decisions in this area are very specific with regards to your rights as folows: Lefkowitz vs Turley, and the Fifth Amendment, provides that no person shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, and permits him to refuse to any any other qustions put to him in any other proceeding, civil or criminal, formal or informal, where the answers might incriminate him in future criminal proceedings."
—George Gordon Law Hour,, "The Policeman is not your friend - He is your adversary," October 30, 2007

"There's a report out tonight that 24-years ago I was apprehended in Kennebunkport, Maine, for a DUI. That's an accurate story. I'm not proud of that. I oftentimes said that years ago I made some mistakes. I occasionally drank too much and I did on that night. I was pulled over. I admitted to the policeman that I had been drinking. I paid a fine. And I regret that it happened. But it did. I've learned my lesson."
—President George W. Bush, CNN Larry King Live, November 2, 2000

"Cheney’s first DWI conviction came in November 1962 when he was 21. According to the docket from Cheyenne’s Municipal Court, Cheney was arrested for drunkenness and 'operating motor vehicle while intoxicated.' A Cheyenne Police Judge found Cheney guilty of the two charges and hit him with a 30-day suspension of his driver’s license. Cheney also had to forfeit a $150 bond posted at the time of his arrest. Further information about the case - such as the defendant’s blood alcohol content or whether Cheney was jailed following the arrest - is unavailable since other court records from that period have been destroyed, according to Wyoming officials. Details of Cheney’s second Wyoming arrest in July 1963, have also fallen victim to time and records destruction practices at the local Municipal Court. But a police arrest card maintained by the Rock Springs Police Department shows that Cheney was fined $100 for his second DWI conviction. The card lists the charge against Cheney, who was then working as a groundman laying power lines, as '11-44,' the criminal code classification for drunken driving, according to Police Chief Neil Kourbelas. At the time of the Rock Springs arrest, Kourbelas said that local cops and judges would not have known that young Cheney was a repeat offender. The police department, Kourbelas said, 'wouldn’t have had the ability to automatically check with other jurisdictions to find out if anyone had prior arrests or convictions. We could have arrested Jack the Ripper back then and had no idea what he had done.'”
-Allen Trapp,, Top 50 DUI Arrests of All-Time, February 16, 2007

"I'm the guy who pulled the trigger and shot my friend."
-Vice President Dick Cheney, Fox News

"Shit's gettin way too complicated for me. There are white folks, and then there are ignorant mutherfuckers like you! You can put lipstick on a pig. Sorry ass mutherfucker's got nuttin on me. I inhaled frequently - that was the point. Pot helped, and booze. A little blow when you could afford it. Junkie, pothead. That's where I'd been headed. You ain't my bitch nigger, git your own damn fries!"
-Barack Hussein Obama Soetoro, Dreams From My Father, MP3:

Obama's in charge of growing Earth's opium supply, so he gets the best shit

Do you feel safe in Blount County?

Blount County deputy sheriff crosses the line at Deals Gap

Do You Feel Safe?

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Published by WBCR 1470 Truth Radio in Maryville Tennessee.

BCSO welcomes tourists to the Dragon in Blount County