Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Here's your body bag

THE KILL TEAM - Following the routine Army procedure required after every 'battlefield' murder, the soldiers cut off the dead boy’s clothes and stripped him naked to check for identifying tattoos. Here they are shown scanning his iris and fingerprints, using a portable biometric scanner.

Learning To Wear A Paper Bag

By James Baxter, President
National Motorists Association

Apparently, wearing a paper bag, or some other disguise, is the only way drivers and passengers will be able to maintain their anonymity, and a little privacy, as they cruise the roadways of America. At least that’s what is in store for us as “Real ID” reaches full bloom, and the states move forward on implementation.

Florida, one of the early adopters of Real ID requirements, is on the cusp of implementing a full blown 24-7 universal government operated surveillance system that will monitor and track any person who ventures beyond the confines of their residence. I hasten to add that there are no public initiatives, at this time, to place surveillance devices in private homes. Before that would be attempted it will be necessary for the public to become accustomed to cameras on most roadways and intersections, unfortunately, a process that is well underway.

The heart of the Florida program, the key building block, is the digital image of faces currently applied to drivers licenses and state I.D. cards. Cameras, stationary and mobile, capture the faces of drivers, passengers, pedestrians, and any other target of interest and those images are immediately passed to a central database that identifies the person, and gathers all recorded information on that person (e.g. Social Security number, criminal record, civil court activity, licenses, permits, registrations, and any other information accumulated by public agencies). This entire task can be completed and the information relayed back to curious public servants, and private contractors, in a claimed 0.04 seconds.

It’s hard to believe that this can be done so quickly, when it can take weeks or months for the same public agencies to respond to a citizen request for public information?

Right now, it appears the only defenses against this kind surveillance and monitoring, are the foregoing of licenses and I.D. cards, extremely impractical, always wearing a paper bag or mask when in public, again not very practical, or perhaps, just perhaps, telling our elected representatives that we don’t want to live under this kind of Orwellian regime.

See also:

Future Traffic Cops of Amerika: The Kill Team - Motorcycle Kill - Sarah Palin's buddy pled guilty to mass murder, sentenced to 25 years in prison

The Kill Team: Sarah Palin's buddy pled guilty to mass murder

The Kill Team: Sarah Palin's buddy in Nazi helmet pled guilty to mass murder

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

ETR Pussy

The Constitutional RIGHT to Travel

"WAY too many people do NOT see it as a personal responsibility, so I would MUCH rather be inconvenienced and have 2 minutes of my "freedom" taken away so that those that don't feel the same can be caught."
-Slick, ETR forum, Police check on 129 today

"I think that most folks fail to understand that operating a Motor Vehicle on our roadways is a Priveledge and not a right. I'm in favor of Road Blocks and Safety Checks, but I think it needs to be done at different times of the day though. PS: And no I'm not a Cop, but I have the upmost respect for them."
-Mountain Road Madness, ETR forum, Police check on 129 today

Is there really a human being this STOOPID? The ETR Police State Forum seems to be fool of them... Enjoy your 30 MPH "speed limit" on the Dragon that quadrupled the death rate, gaterape gamma ray naked body scanners at McGhee Tyson Airport, fully nude body-cavity searches on public highways during traffic stops, 0.00% Blood Alcohol "Legal Limit" for ALL adults, and Sheriff Berrong peeping through your walls with X-ray glasses...suckers!

"I’ll burn your house down, set your dog on fire and there won’t be a member of your family left, do you understand me? I won’t hire it done, I will do it myself! Do you understand me?”
-Deals Gap Blount County sheriff James Berrong threatening to murder his secretary, United States Court of Appeals, Sixth Circuit, Nuchols v. Berrong, No. 04-5645, July 11, 2005

Will They get their dying wish...?

"Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it."
-Famous Old Dead Guy

The Kill Team: Sarah Palin's buddy pled guilty to mass murder

The Kill Team: Sarah Palin's buddy in Nazi helmet pled guilty to mass murder, sentenced to 25 years in prison

Future Traffic Cops of Amerika: The Kill Team - Motorcycle Kill - Sarah Palin's buddy pled guilty to mass murder

6 year old girl gateraped then drug tested by TSA:


Police Officer Jack McLamb and US Supreme Court say YOU have a Constitutional Right to Travel without a driver license internal passport, which denies cops jurisdiction to make traffic stops for breach of civil contract. Georgia Right To Travel Act to ban driver license contracts and ban traffic tickets in 2010.

BTW the "legal limit" for all persons in all states is 0.00% BAC, as confessed by THP in the TN Driver License Handbook. Or didn't YOU read that?

BTW THP sold fake I.D. "driver CERTIFICATES" to 400,000 illegal aliens, marked "NOT VALID FOR IDENTIFICATION", since illegal aliens are not required to have a "driver LICENSE". 50-million illegal aliens are given immunity from arrest and deportation by the Illegal Alien-In-Chief.

R.I. Lawmaker Bill to Outlaw DUI Checkpoints

PROVIDENCE, R.I.—A Rhode Island state lawmaker says drunk-driving checkpoints are unfair and should be banned.

Rep. Charlene Lima, a Cranston Democrat, has introduced a bill in the General Assembly to prohibit police from conducting traffic checkpoints to identify drunk drivers. A legislative panel reviewed the legislation Wednesday.

Lima says she supports laws against drunk driving, but that checkpoints "smack of a police state." She said there's no reason sober drivers should have to prove to police that they're not driving drunk.

TSA, DHS plan massive rollout of mobile surveillance vans with long-distance X-ray capability, eye movement tracking and more

Newly-released documents obtained by the Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC) reveal that the US Depart of Homeland Security has been working on plans to roll out a new wave of mobile surveillance technologies at train stations, stadiums and streets. These new technologies will track your eye movements, capture and record your facial dimensions for face-recognition processing, bathe you in X-rays to look under your clothes, and even image your naked body using whole-body infrared images that were banned from consumer video cameras because they allowed the camera owners to take "nude" videos of people at the beach.

Most importantly, many of these technologies are designed to be completely hidden, allowing the government to implement "covert inspection of moving subjects." You could be walking down a hallway at a sports stadium, in other words, never knowing that you're being bathed in X-rays from the Department of Homeland Security, whose operators are covertly looking under your clothes to see if you're carrying any weapons.

Roving vans to "track eye movements"

According to a article (, one project pursued by DHS using technology from Siemens would "mount backscatter x-ray scanners and video cameras on roving vans, along with other cameras on buildings and utility poles, to monitor groups of pedestrians, assess what they carried, and even track their eye movements."

Another project involved developing "a system of long range x-ray scanning to determine what metal objects an individual might have on his or her body at distances up to thirty feet."

We already know that the U.S. government has purchased 500 vans using covert backscatter technology to covertly scan people on the streets. They're called "Z Backscatter Vans, or ZBVs."

This is all part of the U.S. government's new wave of police state surveillance that aims to track and irradiate innocent civilians who have committed no crime. Under the new Janet Napolitano regime, all Americans are now considered potential terrorists, and anyone can be subjected to government-sanctioned radiation scanning at any time, without their knowledge or approval.

And don't think these efforts will be limited merely to backscatter technology: The TSA is now testing full-power, deep-penetrating X-ray machines (like the ones that deliver chest X-rays in hospitals) in order to check people for bombs they may have swallowed. Yes, Janet Napolitano now wants to look inside your colon! And they're willing to X-ray everyone -- without their consent -- in order to do that.

Read the documents yourself

If you have trouble believing the U.S. government is unleashing a new wave of police state covert scanning vans on to the streets of America, you can read the documents yourself -- all 173 pages. They're available on the EPIC website at:

EPIC calls these vans "mobile strip search devices" because they give the federal government technology to look under your clothes without your permission or consent. It's also being done without probable cause, so it's a violation of the Fourth Amendment protections that are guaranteed to Americans under the Bill of Rights.

"It's a clear violation of the fourth amendment that's very invasive, not necessarily effective, and poses all the same radiation risks as the airport scans," said EPIC attorney Ginger McCall, in the Forbes article (above).

Huge health risks to the population

It's not just the privacy issues that raise red flags here, of course: It's also the fact that the U.S. government has no respect whatsoever for the health of its citizens who are being subjected to these radiation emitting devices. Even while the TSA refuses to release testing results from its own naked body scanners, DHS keeps buying more machines (and more powerful machines) that will only subject travelers to yet more radiation.

As we've already reported here on, numerous scientists are already on the record warning that the TSA's backscatter "naked body scanners" could cause breast cancer, sperm mutation and other health problems.

But the U.S. government doesn't seem to care what happens to your health. Their position is that their "right" to know what you're carrying under your clothes or inside your body overrides your right to privacy or personal health. All they have to do is float a couple of fabricated terrorism scare stories every few months, and then use those "threats" as justification for violating the Constitutional rights of U.S. citizens are very turn.

The real question in all this, of course, is how far will this go? The TSA is already reaching down your pants and feeling up peoples' genitals as part of the "security" measures. Will DHS soon just start subjecting people to body cavity searches as a necessary security requirement before entering a football stadium, for example? Will Americans now be X-rayed with cancer-causing ionizing radiation -- without their awareness or consent -- merely because they are walking down the street or boarding a train?

That seems to be the case. And as you can readily tell from all this, it's getting harder and harder for the fast-dwindling group of deniers to claim America isn't already a police state. The USA is fast becoming a high-tech version of the very worst police state tyrannies witnessed throughout human history. The only difference is that now they have "science" on their side with the coolest new technology that can violate your rights and irradiate your body in a hundred different ways, with high-resolution images and digital storage devices.

I suppose if all this were being done to really stop international terrorists, that might be one thing. But what has become increasingly clear in observing the government's behavior in this realm is that the U.S. government now considers Americans to be the enemy -- especially those who have the gall to defend their Constitutionally-protected freedoms or question the unjustified centralization of power taking place right now in Washington.

The DHS is America's new secret police. And their cameras are pointing inward, into the everyday lives of Americans; not outward, aimed at international terrorists.

When the price of security becomes forfeiting your liberty, the source of the "terror" is no longer the terrorists but your own government. Isn't this the lesson that history has taught us well?

Watch the talk by Naomi Wolf, who explains all this extremely well:

This video will open your eyes to what's really happening today. It has all happened before in recent history, and the patterns are undeniable. Watch the videos to learn more.

"Police officers are more likely to murder you or rape you or sexually assualt you than citizens."
-Barry Cooper, DEA agent,, MP3 radio broadcast

"The US Supreme Court said in Miranda that there's 40,000 police jurisdictions in America. We expect one civil rights crime in every one of those agencies every day. 40,000 times 365 days a year is 14,600,000 crimes committed by police every year. Hell, there's only 14,200,000 crimes committed by the criminals. The police commit more crimes against the People than the criminals commit!"
-George Gordon Radio Show, The Policeman Is Not Your Friend, He Is Your Adversary

"10% of cops are honest, 10% are dishonest, and 80% wish they were honest."
-Detective Frank Serpico NYPD, Knapp Commission

"I’ll burn your house down, set your dog on fire and there won’t be a member of your family left, do you understand me? I won’t hire it done, I will do it myself! Do you understand me?”
-Deals Gap Blount County sheriff James Berrong, United States Court of Appeals, Sixth Circuit, Nuchols v. Berrong, No. 04-5645, July 11, 2005

Tortured by Cops in TN - Waterboarding, Baseball Bat, Gun in the Mouth Inside Your Own Home, to Extort Signature on "Consent to Search" Contract

2. to steal; filch. 3. to buy (narcotics). 4. cop out, a. to avoid one's responsibility, the fulfillment of a promise, etc.; renege; back out. 5. cop a plea, a. to plead guilty or confess in return for receiving a lighter sentence. b. to plead guilty to a lesser charge; plea-bargain.
-Random House Unabridged Dictionary

THX 1138 Social Control MP3

"Those who give up liberty for security shall receive neither."
-Old Ben Franklin

Monday, April 11, 2011

Nazi FIA to ban food, jobs, travel for NWO

Megacities on the move – Planned-opolis from Forum for the Future on Vimeo.

Funded by corporations such as Bank of America, the City of London Corporation, PepsiCo UK, Time Warner, Royal Dutch Shell, Vodafone, and FIA World Motorsports Tax Avoidance Foundation On $500-Million Stolen From McLaren And Ferarri Racing Teams To Rent Nazi Hookers, Forum for the Future envisions scenarios for cities in 2040.

No, this is not a sarcastic video. It is a real, serious scenario.

To sum up:

Food and water is regulated and rationed by a “Global Food Council” which seizes total control over farming. Meat is a rare treat only to be enjoyed on special occasions.

The state decides what your job will be with “designated career announcements,” nobody has the choice to decide their own vocation.

Movement and behavior is controlled by a calorie credit card linked to a smart phone that rations the amount of travel the citizens of planned-opolis, are allowed to make. Private ownership of cars will be banned for non-elitists because, “the state knows they just aren’t practical anymore.”

“It makes so much sense doesn’t it,” insists the smiley faced slave “Vee,” who enjoys the fact that she can “switch off brain and go to work,” adding, “With this many people around I’m glad there’s a mega-computer in charge.”

those who resist and still cling to some semblance of freedom in defiance of the state and the super-computers running the slave grid, there’s the “cry freedom ghetto,” prison camps for malcontents who are blocked from getting jobs, accessing high speed transport or the Internet.

Other scenarios conceived by Forum for the Future are slightly different but they all have common threads: drastic reduction of rights, privileges and freedoms; constant reference to “an elite” having exclusive rights on cars and other luxuries; state controlling all aspects of life.

A New World Order is not a conspiracy theory, THEY are selling it to you as we speak.

Megacities on the Move
Date: 2 Dec 2010

For the first time in history more than half the world’s population is living in towns and cities. We passed this milestone in 2008 and by 2040 two in three people are expected to live in urban environments.

Urbanisation presents us with a wealth of new opportunities and huge challenges. It has the potential to further economic development and innovation, but also threatens to exacerbate key global problems, including resource depletion, climate change, and inequality.

Megacities on the move sets out to find solutions to one of the biggest challenges – how billions of city-dwellers can access what they need without putting intolerable strains on the planet. It focuses on how to achieve sustainable urban mobility, looking at all the ways in which people will access goods, services and information and make contact with each other. It goes beyond transport to consider ICT solutions, innovative urban design and much more.

Forum for the Future, working in partnership with Vodafone and the FIA Foundation, who funded the project, and with EMBARQ, has produced a practical toolkit to help public bodies, companies and civil society organisations understand and plan for the mobility challenges of the future. It is designed to encourage action now and stimulate innovative products and services.

We have created four scenarios exploring urban mobility in the year 2040, taking into account resource shortages, climate change, demographic trends and other major factors which will shape our future, and drawing on interviews with more than 40 experts from around the world.

We chose this year because urban infrastructure is generally planned, built and used over decades. Looking at the challenges we may face in 30 years provides enough time to plan for and deliver a whole new generation of more sustainable solutions.

You can download the toolkit as one document or in the separate sections below.

Forum for the Future’s scenarios are not predictions or depictions of desirable futures which we wish to promote, and they do not represent our vision of a sustainable future. They are pictures of different possible futures, designed to help people understand the major trends that are shaping our world. They aim to challenge, inspire and excite, so that people feel motivated to plan for a better, more sustainable future.

Understanding the issues

You can use this section to introduce your colleagues, business partners and clients to the issues. It explains why it is important to start planning for the future and reviews the major factors which will shape the world in the next 30 years, exploring how they will affect urban mobility. Click here to view this section of the report.

What’s your destination? Four scenarios for urban mobility in 2040

Want to explore what the future may hold and test your strategy? Our scenarios present four possible visions of urban mobility in the world of 2040. They are a tool to help understand what the future may hold for your organisation, and to plan ahead more effectively. Click here to view this section of the report.

We have brought the scenarios to life in four short, vivid and compelling animations. They follow a day in the life of an ordinary woman, examining the mobility challenges and solutions in each world.

What can you do? Six solutions for sustainable urban mobility

If you want to bring innovation into your strategic planning, here are actions you can take now to help create sustainable urban mobility systems. This section includes practical examples of how these solutions are already being put into practice around the world. Click here to view this section of the report.

Plan the future now: How to run a workshop using the scenarios

This section gives specific guidance on how to plan a workshop using the four scenarios. They show how you can use the scenarios to explore future urban mobility issues relevant to you, and develop more sustainable products, services and strategies. Click here to view this section of the report.

Chris Dewey, Associate
Rupert Fausset, Principal Strategic Advisor
Ivana Gazibara, Senior Strategic Advisor
James Goodman, Head of Futures
Peter Madden, CEO


For more information about the project, or if you would like assistance using the scenarios, please contact Ivana Gazibara,, +44 (0)207 324 3673

See also:

Eco Nazis ban vehicles from towns and cities

FIA presidente Max Mosley is the son of the founder of the British Fascist Party, Sir Oswald Mosley, jailed in a sex dungeon in World War 2. Max Hooker was paid $2-million for having sex with 5 Nazi porn stars.

FIA Foundation

The FIA Foundation is an independent UK registered charity which manages and supports an international programme of activities promoting road safety, environmental protection and sustainable mobility, as well as funding specialist motor sport safety research.

The FIA Foundation was established in 2001 with a donation of $300 million made by the Fédération Internationale de l'Automobile (FIA), the non-profit federation of motoring organisations and the governing body of world motor sport.

The FIA Foundation is an NGO in Roster Consultative Status with the Economic & Social Council of the United Nations and a regular participant in the Working Party on Traffic Safety and the World Forum on Harmonisation of Vehicle Standards at the UN Economic Commission for Europe, and is a leading participant in the UN Global Road Safety Collaboration. The Foundation works with a range of international agencies including the World Health Organisation (WHO), the World Bank and the UN Environment Programme on road safety and environmental issues.

Mosley's Win: 'No Nazis at the Orgy?'

Max Mosley, trustee of FIA Foundation and the son of Sir Oswald Mosley the 1930's British fascist leader, sought exemplary or punitive damages. He said his life was devastated after the newspaper alleged: "In public he rejects his father's evil past but secretly he plays Nazi sex games."

Mosley's background ensures that he won't get off that easily. His mother, Diana Mitford, was a celebrity British Nazi sympathizer in the prewar years, while his father, Sir Oswald Mosley, founded and led the British Union of Fascists — a guest of honor at their wedding in 1936, at the Berlin home of Joseph Goebbels, was none other than Adolf Hitler.

Mosley, one of the most powerful men in the multibillion-dollar sport of Grand Prix racing, admits to participating in the orgy, but denies that his fantasy had any Nazi or concentration-camp connotation. He spoke German, he said, simply because it was the native language of the women involved in the erotic rendezvous.

The News of the World's defense crumbled when Woman E, a prostitute married to an agent of MI5, Britain's domestic investigation service, failed to show up in court. Her lawyer cited her "emotional and mental state." She had filmed the 5-hr. orgy with a secret camera and had been interviewed for an article titled "Exclusive: Mosley Hooker Tells All: My Nazi Orgy With F1 Boss." She had been expected to testify that Mosley specifically asked the women to facilitate a Nazi-themed sex romp. The other four prostitutes, one of whom is a Ph.D. candidate, all denied that Mosley requested any Nazi elements.

In the week after the tabloid posted the footage online, traffic to its website increased by 600%, and 1.9 million people viewed the clip in which mock prison guards strip Mosley naked, inspect his head and genitals for lice and beat him with a whip. After being caned 21 times, Mosley begins to bleed and has to pause to apply a Band-Aid to his buttocks.

Max Mosley, President of the Fédération Internationale de l'Automobile (FIA) since 1993 and a trustee of its charitable arm, the FIA Foundation, objected to the publication of an article in the News of the World newspaper. This article, headed 'F1 BOSS HAS SICK NAZI ORGY WITH 5 HOOKERS', was billed as an exclusive and ran under the subheading "Son of Hitler-loving fascist in sex shame". The article in question concerned an event, described as a party by Mosley and as an orgy by the newspaper. The text was accompanied by images taken from clandestine video footage and a concealed camera at the event itself. A sequel, published the following month under the banner "EXCLUSIVE: MOSLEY HOOKER TELLS ALL: MY NAZI ORGY WITH F1 BOSS", was mainly a purported interview with one of the women who participated in the event, who had filmed it with a camera supplied by the newspaper and concealed in her brassiere.

Mosley alleged breach of his of privacy under Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR), seeking exemplary damages. He argued that the content of the published material was inherently private in nature and that there had existed a pre-existing relationship of confidentiality between the participants. The public display of this private event was thus unlawful.

Eady J, awarding a new UK record sum of £60,000 damages, agreed. In his 236-paragraph judgment he said as follows:

* The clandestine recording of sexual activity on private property was a proper subject-matter for the engagement of Article 8 of the ECHR.

* The woman with the concealed camera had committed an "old fashioned breach of confidence" as well as a violation of Article 8 of the ECHR.

* Mosley had a reasonable expectation of privacy in relation to his sexual activities, albeit unconventional, carried on between consenting adults on private property.

* There was no evidence that the event was intended to be an enactment of Nazi behaviour or adoption of any of its attitudes; nor indeed was it so. There was some bondage, beating and domination which seemed to be typical of sado-masochistic (S and M) behaviour -- but there was no public interest or other justification for the clandestine recording, for the publication of the resulting information and still photographs, or indeed for the placing of the video extracts on the News of the World website.

* The mere fact that this behaviour was viewed by some people with distaste and moral disapproval gave no justification for the intrusion on Mosley's personal privacy in the light of modern rights-based jurisprudence.

* Exemplary damages were not available in a claim for infringement of privacy.
This decision has been criticised in many quarters as destroying the ability of the UK press to reveal the shady facets of publicly prominent figures, suggesting that revelations of the pecadillos of politicians might now go unannounced. The IPKat wonders whether this criticism is founded on the assumption that we might be kept in the dark as to significant information that would cause the electorate to lose confidence in its leaders. If so, it seems that the countervailing public interest is also protected under the ECHR and we have -- at least in theory -- nothing to worry about. In this case, nothing turns on whether Max Mosley attends orgies, keeps sheep in his living room or eats prunes for breakfast and the decision looks right. We have all become habituated, indeed well-nigh addicted, to a constant flow of personal information concerning so-called celebrities; perhaps we should ask ourselves why this is so.

Merpel wants to know this: presumably each revelation by the News of the World brought attention and an increase in advertising revenue and web-traffic. Even if it has to fork out £60,000 plus an estimated £830,000 in costs, it must surely have profited pretty healthily from this escapade. Can anyone confirm this?

So police are now banned from undercover videos of criminal activity, due to embarrassment and violation of privacy of the criminals.

Judge Mad Max for yourself:

Friday, April 8, 2011

Nazis prefer Triumphs, Ducatis and Tramps

Prince Harry rides elderly Triumph Daytona 600

What do the trillionaire future German Kings of USA ride, now that the North Amerikan Soviet Union has annexed USA back into the 54-nation British Empire Commonwealth, a/k/a the New World Order?

'I always worry about killing them': Prince Charles' fears for motorbike-loving William and Harry

German Sax Coburg-Gotha royal family of England

Prince William rides underpowered Ducati 848

Prince Harry rides bitch with Randy Mamoloa at Donnington Park

Biker dudes gone wild, daddy was buggered by the butler

The United States Remains a British Colony

"To consolidate the rule of supermen--to perpetuate the British Empire--one need only remove the ability of slaves to see themselves as slaves."
-Lord Cherwell, science advisor to PM Winston Churchill

"In the event that I am reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly virus, in order to contribute something to solve overpopulation."
-Nazi Prince Philip King of the British Empire, owner/director of British Petroleum in charge of bioweapons labs, husband of German Queen of England Elizabeth Sax Coberg Gotha, a/k/a Queen of Babylon at jewish Bohemian Grove homosexual nudist compound for snuff kiddie porn, If I Were an Animal; United Kingdom, Robin Clark Ltd., 1986

Exclusive Royal Wedding Photos
Lordy and the Tramp

Kate Middleton: Who is the future Queen of England?

Kate, 28, met Prince William, also 28, while they were students at the University of St. Andrews in Scotland in 2001. The two roomed on the same floor in the school's dorm and in 2002 moved off campus to a private house with two close friends. The couple has been together for seven years.

Exclusive Royal Wedding Photos
Queen Catherine the Great Britian

Unlike Hollywood starlets, who can't help but get caught in inappropriate situations, Kate has never been seen in a compromising position. She has never given an interview to the press or been caught stumbling out of a nightclub, and, in fact, she has been known to refresh her makeup before leaving a club in the middle of the night.

Exclusive Royal Wedding Photos
Queen Catherine the Great Britian

Kate is also the first royal bride to model lingerie. William's future bride was wearing a sheer dress with black underwear. At the Don't Walk charity fashion show in March 2002, Prince William was overheard telling his friend Fergus Boyd, "Wow, Fergus, Kate's hot!"

After the show the two spent a few minutes alone at a party and toasted Kate's success. The two were talking and a friend who witnessed the encounter recalls, "There was definitely chemistry between them and Kate had really made an impression on William, but she played it very cool. She didn't want to give off the wrong impression or make it too easy for him."

The term "commoner," which has been used to describe the future princess, simply means that she has no relatives or any connection to nobility or royalty. The last time a future British king married a commoner was in 1660 when the future King James II secretly wed Anne Hyde in the middle of the night. The country was outraged, but the future Queen Anne gave birth to two queens subsequently, Mary and Anne.

After the world watched the fairy-tale wedding of Prince Charles to Lady Diana in 1981 that imploded in the 1990s, royal watchers agree that the royal family has shifted its attitudes as to who would make a good spouse for the future king of England.

Lady Diana was a 20-year-old kindergarten teacher with a blueblood past, a virgin who seemed to know her place when she got engaged to Prince Charles, who was 32 at the time. Looking back at video footage of the engaged couple, it's obvious that she was in love with her prince, while Charles was not in love with her. He was in love with Camilla Parker Bowles, his current wife, whom the palace deemed an unsuitable wife for the future king in the 1970s.

Royal watchers have assumed that Prince William's parents' divorce in 1996 accounts for his reluctance to say "I do" at a young age. He once said in an interview that he thinks 28 is a good age to get married. He turned 28 on June 21.

Kate Middleton is sure to garner the same attention Princess Diana did when she became Her Royal Highness Princess Charles of Wales (royal women take their husband's full title), and some are speculating that the marriage will increase the popularity of the royal family, which has been in decline since the untimely death of Princess Diana in 1997.

While William waits to become king of England, which may not happen until he is in his fifties -- most royal experts believe that Prince Charles still wants the "top job," as it is called. Kate will become Queen Catherine when William is crowned king.

See also:

Republicans spew hideously foul smatterings of diarrhoea: Why The Zionist British (German) Royal Family Should Hang

Like mother like daughter-in-law? How long will this one last?

Prince Harry bastard love child of James Hewitt while Prince Charles was banging his butler

Prince Harry bastard love child of James Hewitt

Princess Di's 1-hour ambulance ride in Hell was 3-hours less than a typical "rescue" on the Dragon at Deals Gap

Thursday, April 7, 2011

My Faceplant

I think I need to buy a helmet before riding an ATV... Do they make an MX helmet with a visor?

Simpson GS3 MX helmet costs $140
Visor costs $100 extra

Affordable MX helmets with full-face visors

Blast from the past

Posted speed on the Dragon was 55 in 1991.

Superhero rescues $2-million cars

Parking police donate wheel clamps to owner of £1.2million Koenigsegg CCXR (right) and a £350,000 Lamborghini Murcielago LP670-4 SuperVeloce

Supercars driven by Harrods' owners clamped outside store

Two of the world's fastest cars - belonging to the new Qatari owners of Harrods - were clamped right outside the Knightsbridge store.

The £1.2 million Koenigsegg CCXR and £350,000 Lamborghini Murcielago LP670-4 SuperVeloce were parked outside the London department store last week.

Crowds of tourists watched in disbelief as a traffic warden first ticketed then clamped both vehicles – which are custom-made in the royal family's distinctive "baby blue" colour.

The cars belong to the oil-rich Al-Thani royal family, who own a string of luxury vehicles – including a one-off Pagani Zonda Uno.

Qatar Holding group, which forked out £1.5 billion in April to buy Harrods from Fulham FC owner Mohamed Al Fayed, is led by the Prime Minister of Qatar Sheikh Hamad Bin Jassim Bin Jabr Al-Thani.

The 249mph Koenigsegg is one of only six ever made. The custom-built supercar is built from scratch and does a 0-60 in 2.9 seconds, producing a staggering 1,064bhp.

The Lamborghini is one of only 350 ever built, again in the families trademark colour, and has a top speed of 213mph and is capable of 0-60 in just 3.2 seconds.
But both were brought to a standstill when they were clamped – although the owners shouldn't have too much trouble stumping up the £150 release fee.

The owners could have taken advantage of Harrods' valet parking service which charges a £8 for the first hour or £40 for 8-9 hours with an additional £50 charge to store a car overnight.

An onlooker said: ''It's not every day you see cars like this, let alone watch them get clamped.

''Judging by their cars, I shouldn't think the owners will worry too much about paying a couple of hundred quid to have the clamps taken off.''

The Al Thani family have an estimated wealth in the region of £2.4 billion as well as stakes in dozens of businesses around the world.

A spokesperson for Harrods said: ''You will need to speak to the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea who deal with parking regulations.''

Angle Grinder Man to the rescue!

By law anyone may cut off a wheel clamp, since the clamp was abandoned by its owner, without a due process hearing.

Too bad he can't do nuttin bout Prince Philip's assassination of Princess Diana, which is why Al Fayed sold Harrods an got da Hell out of the Nazi New World Odor HQ. Can't a have a black billionaire slummin wit da trillionaires.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Cops rape riders on the Dragon

Barbie Cummings won 29 speeding tickets with blowjob defense

Police checkpoint on US129 today

We're all Barbie Cummings now. Checkpoints and traffic stops now routinely include full strip searches and body cavity searches while standing on the side of the road in full view of the common fully nude actors are routinely shown on primetime TV cop shows. Never mind your Constitutional right to travel. Just be happy They're not burning down your house and killing your little dog too.

"Police officers are more likely to murder you or rape you or sexually assualt you than citizens."
-Barry Cooper, DEA agent,, MP3 radio broadcast

"The US Supreme Court said in Miranda that there's 40,000 police jurisdictions in America. We expect one civil rights crime in every one of those agencies every day. 40,000 times 365 days a year is 14,600,000 crimes committed by police every year. Hell, there's only 14,200,000 crimes committed by the criminals. The police commit more crimes against the People than the criminals commit!"
-George Gordon Radio Show, The Policeman Is Not Your Friend, He Is Your Adversary

"10% of cops are honest, 10% are dishonest, and 80% wish they were honest."
-Detective Frank Serpico NYPD, Knapp Commission

"I’ll burn your house down, set your dog on fire and there won’t be a member of your family left, do you understand me? I won’t hire it done, I will do it myself! Do you understand me?”
-Deals Gap Blount County sheriff James Berrong, United States Court of Appeals, Sixth Circuit, Nuchols v. Berrong, No. 04-5645, July 11, 2005

Tortured by Cops in TN - Waterboarding, Baseball Bat, Gun in the Mouth Inside Your Own Home, to Extort Signature on "Consent to Search" Contract

2. to steal; filch. 3. to buy (narcotics). 4. cop out, a. to avoid one's responsibility, the fulfillment of a promise, etc.; renege; back out. 5. cop a plea, a. to plead guilty or confess in return for receiving a lighter sentence. b. to plead guilty to a lesser charge; plea-bargain.
-Random House Unabridged Dictionary

THX 1138 Social Control MP3

TSA, DHS plan massive rollout of mobile surveillance vans with long-distance X-ray capability, eye movement tracking and more

Newly-released documents obtained by the Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC) reveal that the US Depart of Homeland Security has been working on plans to roll out a new wave of mobile surveillance technologies at train stations, stadiums and streets. These new technologies will track your eye movements, capture and record your facial dimensions for face-recognition processing, bathe you in X-rays to look under your clothes, and even image your naked body using whole-body infrared images that were banned from consumer video cameras because they allowed the camera owners to take "nude" videos of people at the beach.

Most importantly, many of these technologies are designed to be completely hidden, allowing the government to implement "covert inspection of moving subjects." You could be walking down a hallway at a sports stadium, in other words, never knowing that you're being bathed in X-rays from the Department of Homeland Security, whose operators are covertly looking under your clothes to see if you're carrying any weapons.

Roving vans to "track eye movements"

According to a article (, one project pursued by DHS using technology from Siemens would "mount backscatter x-ray scanners and video cameras on roving vans, along with other cameras on buildings and utility poles, to monitor groups of pedestrians, assess what they carried, and even track their eye movements."

Another project involved developing "a system of long range x-ray scanning to determine what metal objects an individual might have on his or her body at distances up to thirty feet."

We already know that the U.S. government has purchased 500 vans using covert backscatter technology to covertly scan people on the streets. They're called "Z Backscatter Vans, or ZBVs."

This is all part of the U.S. government's new wave of police state surveillance that aims to track and irradiate innocent civilians who have committed no crime. Under the new Janet Napolitano regime, all Americans are now considered potential terrorists, and anyone can be subjected to government-sanctioned radiation scanning at any time, without their knowledge or approval.

And don't think these efforts will be limited merely to backscatter technology: The TSA is now testing full-power, deep-penetrating X-ray machines (like the ones that deliver chest X-rays in hospitals) in order to check people for bombs they may have swallowed. Yes, Janet Napolitano now wants to look inside your colon! And they're willing to X-ray everyone -- without their consent -- in order to do that.

Read the documents yourself

If you have trouble believing the U.S. government is unleashing a new wave of police state covert scanning vans on to the streets of America, you can read the documents yourself -- all 173 pages. They're available on the EPIC website at:

EPIC calls these vans "mobile strip search devices" because they give the federal government technology to look under your clothes without your permission or consent. It's also being done without probable cause, so it's a violation of the Fourth Amendment protections that are guaranteed to Americans under the Bill of Rights.

"It's a clear violation of the fourth amendment that's very invasive, not necessarily effective, and poses all the same radiation risks as the airport scans," said EPIC attorney Ginger McCall, in the Forbes article (above).

Huge health risks to the population

It's not just the privacy issues that raise red flags here, of course: It's also the fact that the U.S. government has no respect whatsoever for the health of its citizens who are being subjected to these radiation emitting devices. Even while the TSA refuses to release testing results from its own naked body scanners, DHS keeps buying more machines (and more powerful machines) that will only subject travelers to yet more radiation.

As we've already reported here on, numerous scientists are already on the record warning that the TSA's backscatter "naked body scanners" could cause breast cancer, sperm mutation and other health problems.

But the U.S. government doesn't seem to care what happens to your health. Their position is that their "right" to know what you're carrying under your clothes or inside your body overrides your right to privacy or personal health. All they have to do is float a couple of fabricated terrorism scare stories every few months, and then use those "threats" as justification for violating the Constitutional rights of U.S. citizens are very turn.

The real question in all this, of course, is how far will this go? The TSA is already reaching down your pants and feeling up peoples' genitals as part of the "security" measures. Will DHS soon just start subjecting people to body cavity searches as a necessary security requirement before entering a football stadium, for example? Will Americans now be X-rayed with cancer-causing ionizing radiation -- without their awareness or consent -- merely because they are walking down the street or boarding a train?

That seems to be the case. And as you can readily tell from all this, it's getting harder and harder for the fast-dwindling group of deniers to claim America isn't already a police state. The USA is fast becoming a high-tech version of the very worst police state tyrannies witnessed throughout human history. The only difference is that now they have "science" on their side with the coolest new technology that can violate your rights and irradiate your body in a hundred different ways, with high-resolution images and digital storage devices.

I suppose if all this were being done to really stop international terrorists, that might be one thing. But what has become increasingly clear in observing the government's behavior in this realm is that the U.S. government now considers Americans to be the enemy -- especially those who have the gall to defend their Constitutionally-protected freedoms or question the unjustified centralization of power taking place right now in Washington.

The DHS is America's new secret police. And their cameras are pointing inward, into the everyday lives of Americans; not outward, aimed at international terrorists.

When the price of security becomes forfeiting your liberty, the source of the "terror" is no longer the terrorists but your own government. Isn't this the lesson that history has taught us well?

Watch the talk by Naomi Wolf, who explains all this extremely well:

This video will open your eyes to what's really happening today. It has all happened before in recent history, and the patterns are undeniable. Watch the videos to learn more.

Motorcycle Advocacy Groups Prepare for Roadblocks

Lannom & Williams Law Firm
Lebanon Tennessee

The most recent effort by the government to target motorcyclists and circumvent the American idea of freedom comes from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). Across the nation, motorcycle riders’ advocacy groups are preparing for road blocks federally funded by NHTSA represented to be "Motorcycle only" checkpoints.

The stated reason for these checkpoints will be to check safety equipment on motorcycles. It is believed that the intended method is to post signs on interstates directing motorcyclists to leave the interstate to off-ramps set up with roadblocks. The latest state to indicate its intention to utilize this is the State of Georgia. It is not a stretch to presume it will be utilized to coincide with major biker events. The result may be increased harassment, more citations and even more disturbing, can result in the searching of bikes, detainment from destinations, and subjecting private belongings to being rifled through by police officers. We should expect more criminal charges brought against riders from these searches.

As an attorney practicing criminal and constitutional law for almost 20 years it is clear to me that we will constantly be required to challenge the power of government to prevent the eroding of our right to ride free and without harassment. While many times the most successful way to combat this governmental intrusion is through the assertion of our rights to be free from unreasonable searches and seizures under both the Federal and Tennessee State Constitutions, we should also be concerned about abridgment of our First Amendment Right to Freedom of Assembly. It is reasonable to believe the new motorcycle only roadblocks are intended to harass and deter motorcycle club activities by timing them with national club meetings and rallies.

Further concern arises as we face the constant targeting of those riding with colors. No one with experience on the road can doubt that someone declaring allegiance to an organization ranging from Motorcycle Ministries to the most widely known MC’s will be targeted and harassed to an additional degree with even more intrusion than other motorcyclists.

While we have observed a constant eroding of our constitutional rights, the Federal Government is likely to run into some problems enforcing this targeted intrusion into our biker rights, especially in the State of Tennessee. In the State of Tennessee, there are specific constitutional requirements which must be met in order to justify a stop that is not conducted based on reasonable suspicion, informally known as suspicionless stops. The road blocks that NHTSA is seeking to implement fall under this category of a stop, because they are applied indiscriminately to bikers, not based on any articulated suspicion that the person is guilty of a certain crime. These rights are elaborated on in case law precedent, which establishes that there must be a deterrent factor and an immediate great danger in order to conduct the suspicionless stops.

The Tennessee Supreme Court has thus far strictly limited roadblocks to DUI only checkpoints based upon the imminent danger of impaired drivers while they are on the road. Prior notice of roadblocks is required in the hopes of deterring impaired driving. Attempts by law enforcement to use road blocks to check driver’s licenses thus far have been struck down by the courts as a violation of the constitutional rights of Tennesseans. The rationale for this striking down of driver’s license only checkpoints should equally apply to motorcycle only checkpoints for safety equipment.

It is unlikely that sufficient danger from a motorcyclist’s tail pipes is anywhere near that of detecting the imminent danger of impaired drivers and thus would likely be found unconstitutional. Also, it is arguable that these checkpoints will not achieve the intended purpose of "motorcyclist's safety," as funding safety programs that prevent crashes would be better than motorcycle-only checkpoints and present a lesser degree of intrusion into our constitutional rights.Fortunately, if bikers, bikers’ advocacy organizations, and dedicated constitutional law attorneys take stand and challenge the illegal detentions and stops of motorcyclists through federally funded road blocks, the law for once may actually be on our side. For those who enjoy reading about the constitution and your rights, the Tennessee Supreme Court Cases of State of Tennessee v. Downey and State of Tennessee v. Hicks will increase your knowledge as to why these roadblocks can successfully be defeated in Tennessee. You can access these cases through the hyperlinks provided below.

It is important for all riders to know that when on the road, attempts to challenge police authority will seldom result in any positive results. I admire those who desire to assert their constitutional freedom but it is important to realize that it may come at a cost when on the side of the road. The place for a meaningful win and to put a more significant stop to these abuses and waste of tax dollars will come in a different setting than on the side of the road, as it will take place in the court room, through the assertion of rights guaranteed by our Constitution.
Be safe and keep the wheels rolling,
Frank Lannom
State v. Downey, 945 S.W.2d 102 (Tenn. 1997):

State v. Hicks, 55 S.W.3d 515 (Tenn. 2001)

STATE OF TENNESSEE v. BOBBY CRUTCHER - This is an appeal by the State of Tennessee from the judgment of the intermediate appellate court affirming the suppression of evidence in the trial court below.[1] The sole issue is whether the warrantless police search of the appellee’s motorcycle violated his rights guaranteed by the Fourth Amendment of the United States Constitution and Article I, section 7 of the Tennessee Constitution. The State contends that the suppression of evidence was improper because the search in question was incident to a lawful arrest. For the reasons that follow, we conclude that the appellee, Bobby Crutcher, was not under arrest at the time of the police search. Accordingly, we affirm both the trial court and the Court of Criminal Appeal’s determination that the search was not incident to a lawful arrest. The evidence obtained from the search was properly suppressed. On October 19, 1995, Officer Frank Moniz of the Gallatin Police Department observed three motorcyclists drive away from a traffic light at an excessive rate of speed. The officer activated his emergency flashing equipment and pulled over two of the speeding motorcyclists. However, the third motorcycle, driven by the appellee, accelerated even more in an attempt to flee from the pursuing officer. Officer Moniz gave chase to the appellee and the two vehicles reached speeds of one hundred (100) miles per hour. April 12, 1999

CONDUCTING EFFECTIVE ROADBLOCKS - By the Municipal Technical Advisory Service at University of Tennessee

"Those who give up liberty for security shall receive neither."
-Old Ben Franklin