Saturday, October 9, 2010
Mayor Bill Haslam for Governator
Subject: Idea for McWherter campaign ad
As a resident of Knoxville under seige due to economic demolition by Republican mayors Haslam and Ashe, here's an idea for a winning political ad.
Billionaire Mayor Haslam voted to hire foreign corporations to replace Knoxville Police Dept, replace Knoxville City Court, and replace City of Knoxville municipal corporation, to embezzle taxes via red-light traffic cameras, a/k/ scameras. These anti-American scameras are un-American, and export 90% of ticket revenue to foreign nations like Australia and Communist China, leaving Tennessee with a giant sucking sound. Class action lawsuits were sued against Haslam for violation of Constitutional rights.
That's exactly what I warned Haslam in city council, 15 minutws before Haslam voted to award Redflex a Top Secret contract to replace KPD, city court and City of Knoxville with the Wizard of Oz. Redflex was soon fired for suspected bribery and contract fraud, replaced by Lasercraft in Commie China, during the trial of Clifford Cllark for allegedly shooting a redlight camera (see punchline below).
KPD now arrests or sues 200,000 annual ticket lawsuits against the 160,000 residents on Knoxville, thanks to 75,000 annual red-light scamera tickets.
95% of red-light scamera tickets are for turning right on red, which is legal in TN Code.
Red-light scameras increase the number and severity of crashes, due to shortening yellow light timing and moving the stop lines to make turns invisible, to increase the number of tickets. Drivers also tend to slam on brakes for yellow lights, to avoid scamera tickets, resulting in crashes.
Traffic scameras are so hated that 85% of Texas residents and 75% of Arizona residents refuse to appear in court to pay traffic scamera tickets, due to lack of personal service of process, and many constitutional violations.
In Knoxville, redlight scameras are so hated that a Knox County deputy sheriff confessed to shooting a redlight scamera, resulting in the dismissal of all charges against Clifford Clark, who was framed for allegedly shooting a redlight scamera. KPD, KCSO, UTPD, Redflex and Knox County DA destroyed all ballistic and audio evidence in that case, forged an affidavit of probable cause, and committed perjury, with Redflex fleeing the jurisdiction and refusing to testify against Mr. Clark, resulting in the dismissal of vandalism charges against Mr. Clark.
We The People vote NO against Robocops.
The Dragonater
Haslam at the TFA: The Real World vs. The Constitutional World
Knoxville mayor and Republican candidate for governor of Tennessee Bill Haslam appeared at the Nashville chapter meeting of the Tennessee Firearms Association Monday night, before a decidedly supportive crowd. Well, mostly supportive.
The message I got was: constitutional rights are for theorists. In other words, “I live in the real world, so don’t bother me with the Constitution.”
Listen to this audio:
When asked to distinguish between the rights described in, say, the First Amendment, and the right described in the Second Amendment, Haslam responded that that was just the way it is. When asked under what authority the legislature acts to require state issued permits for handgun carry, he responds that’s what the legislature passed. Constitutional rights are fine in theory, he maintains, “but I live in the Real World”.
Voters looking for a principled leader are going to have to look elsewhere. Haslam, compared to McWherter, may be the lesser of two evils, but a vote for the lesser of two evils is still a vote for evil.
Hobson’s Choice.
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