Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Sparkies: The agony of defeat
Countersteering increases lean angle...
What's the debrief say?
It's not nice to try to kill your photographer. Funny how you don't get photos this good at MotoGP.
Good to wear full safety gear, good to drag a knee on a bike with plenty of ground clearance, not so good to not hang off enough then chicken out and chop the throttle reducing ground clearance to zero. Too bad the cable isn't an air bag, or THP lie detector, er, radar detector.
Apparently he's a soldier employed by the United States federal government in the Neverending 20-Year-Old Iraq War, that's genocided 2.7-million innocent Iraqis, genocided 70,000 not-so-innocent US troops, and disabled 700,000 US troops, based on lies by the Bushobama White House claiming Weapons of Mass Destruction Made In USA For Iraq, and the British/NATO/Pentagon/Israeli Operation Northwoods false-flag attack on USA on 9/11/2001 to blame innocent Arab Semite patsies, as a diversion for the Babylonian jewish Khazar banksters to steal $30-trillion from an impotent Congress.
Now go back to following illegal orders from an illegal alien to kill babies and lose an undeclared war for Uncle Scam, to bankrupt USA, then return with PTSD and be a traffic cop suing 1,000 frivolous traffic tickets per year for an illegal quota, or get your legs blown off or killed for the Jew World Odor Commiefascist dictatorship that is going to kill you one way or another.
Thanks for giving the traitorous Police State another excuse to overthrow the US Constitution at Deals Gap.
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