Friday, August 12, 2011
How much does it hurt?
My "old" neighbor recently got hit head-on on his dualsport at a 70+ mph closing speed. No gear, open-face helmet, no airbag ....
Judge gets 28 years prison for bribery to INCREASE convictions
Pennsylvania supreme court overturned around 4,000 of ex Judge Mark Ciavarella Jr's convictions 'Kids for cash' judge gets 2...
ETR forum killed by Police State death squads
Photo by the Dragonater 11,400% increase in $800 biker tickets , bike seizures and cop mods have nothing to do with the Gap's, SMR...
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Lane Crossing
So that's what steering dampeners are for Looks like the first oncoming bike checked up and brake tested the 2nd oncoming bike. As Keith...
Every vehicle tracked and traced in Brit town
Bend over for British Big Brother Bully Bot Big Brother is watching you: The town where EVERY car is tracked by police cameras By Anna Edwar...
Saturday, August 6, 2011
Cops win million$ suing cops for illegal ticket quotas
"Cops have a[n illegal] quota system." -Sgt. James Eagan, New York State Police (Retired), from his book, A Speeder's Guide...
Friday, August 5, 2011
Mr Fiddlesticks raided by cops for toons
Cartoonist Targeted With Criminal Probe For Mocking Police RENTON, Wash. -- The Renton City Prosecutor wants to send a cartoonist to jail fo...
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Trackday events at Nashville Superspeedway cancelled in 2012?
Download the full 2-hour documentary by The Dragonater UPDATE: Kia copies The Dragonater in new TV advert at NSS European tracks run t...
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